Truth be told, our Overseas Filipino Workers today are indeed our modern-day heroes. These OFWs have made great sacrifices to provide for their own families. Our modern-day heroes do not just help their families, they also make huge contributions to the Philippine economy. Billions of dollars from OFWs’ remittances drive our Philippines economy.

However, the sad truth for these overseas Filipino workers is that they have to endure homesickness and several difficult working conditions in exchange for a comfortable living and a better future for their families back home. What’s even worse is that some of our OFWs don’t even get to go home alive.

As for these OFWs, earning in foreign currencies allows them to have a bigger opportunity to save more and invest. If you are an OFW, you also need to consider that sooner or later you will need to retire. Do you have enough savings for yourself and your family to carry on with your lives?

You have to take advantage of today, while you are still earning more and can work even harder. As an OFW, remember that you will not have to work in abroad forever. Do what you can do today to further grow your savings.

As mentioned earlier, earning more means that you have an even greater chance of purchasing, investing, and saving. So to help you venture out to an even larger possibility of growing your money, here are some ways where you can invest:


Franchises such as food carts range from at least Php 35,000 to Php 200, 000 for a small business type. If you are opting for a bigger franchise, prepare at least Php 500, 000 and more. However, these given amounts are not fixed. Keep in mind that you may still spend more than your capital in payments for rent, miscellaneous fees, additional equipment, and permits.

Real Estate

A lot of OFWs make their first investment in real estate. Nothing beats the feeling of having to finally own a home. While investing in other forms is also good, many overseas Filipino workers mainly choose real estate because it is concrete and tangible.

Micro-lending and Peer-to-Peer lending

You can earn in both of these financial platforms through different online lending platforms. These online lending platforms allow investors to lend their money to borrowers and in return, they are being paid with interest.

Start your investment and be able to secure your future financially, learn about our Peer to Peer loans with guaranteed solid returns and a stable income. Visit Vidalia Lending and you can choose to invest between our Personal Loans or Business Loans. Apply now and start earning.


This type of investment may still be quite unknown to everybody. In crowdfunding, investors are given a chance to invest in a start-up business. Earning will depend on how the business will be performing during its humble beginnings.

Every year the number of our fellow Filipinos who would rather choose to work abroad for a brighter future continues to double up. This is one solution to live a comfortable life in the future and of course, be able to retire at a younger age. Investing makes all of these even more possible and within reach.

Invest in Vidalia Lending and be assured of receiving monthly interest earnings deposited to your bank account. With our investment feature, you can start earning and start saving up for your future needs.

Money Savings